IFS + Expressive Arts Intensives

Internal Family Systems (IFS) + Expressive Arts Intensives are immersive retreat-style deep dives into your inner world.

Intensives are a depth oriented and accelerated approach the therapy that allow to have concentrated focus on a stuck point that feels stalled in weekly therapy. In a weekly 50 minute therapy session, time checking in and closing can leave only 30-40 minutes for deep therapeutic work. An intensive allows the time and space to dive deeper and accomplish in days what could take months in a weekly format.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a powerful therapeutic approach that recognizes that are mind is naturally multiple, comprised of different parts that all have a positive intention for us. Rather than focusing on trying to control emotions or impulses that you or others have labelled problematic, IFS encourages you to turn towards them and begin a dialogue. For many people, this is a radically different approach that leads to increased self-understanding and self-compassion. Expressive arts practices emphasize using embodied creative processes as a tool for self-discovery and self-expression. The goal is not the outcome or creating a work of art, but rather on noticing what you experience in the process. Integrated with IFS, expressive arts practices allow for expanded avenues for self-exploration, using visual art, mapping, movement, sculpting and other mediums to explore your system.

An IFS + Expressive Arts Intensive might be a good fit for you if:

You’ve done some IFS work and found it powerful, and would like to go deeper in an accelerated format.

You are in the midst of a period of burnout, overwhelm or feel stuck in an area of your life. You want clarity and a new perspective on how to move forward.

You’re a therapist/healer interested in IFS and want to go deeper via understanding your system.

You are struggling to move on from a painful or traumatic experience, and feel stalled or inhibited by the pace of weekly therapy.

How Intensives Work

Pre Intensive Interview

We’ll meet for 90 minutes in-person or remotely to prepare for your intensive experience. We’ll explore your history and the stuck points you’re seeking relief from. From this session, I’ll design a customized workbook for you to complete before your intensive to deepen your experience.

Customized Intensive Treatment

We will meet virtually or in-person in Columbus, Ohio for our agreed upon intensive format and begin our deep dive.

Post Intensive Interview

We’ll meet for 90 minutes in-person or remotely to debrief following your intensive. We’ll explore what you’ve been noticing since your experience. We’ll also talk about next steps and recommendations to build upon the work you’ve done.

What we’ll work on

Intensives can help you to:

  • Cultivate self-understanding and self-compassion

  • Get to the root cause of your distress so you can experience lasting change

  • Live in alignment with your values rather than your fears as you learn to relate to yourself in a new way

Cultivate a radically different relationship to yourself

I’m here to guide you